Thursday, May 26, 2016

A "See You Later" from Kendal, BWIB President 2015-2016

Congratulations on completing another successful academic year! BWIB has

accomplished so much as an organization during this short year thanks to all of

your contributions. From this blog, to our enhanced alumni network, mentorship

projects, YouTube channel, LinkedIn directory, and expanded list of sponsors!

Being able to take an idea and quickly implement it is just one of the many things

that makes being part of BWIB so gratifying. I know you will all learn and grow

even more this summer and I hope that you can apply what you have learned

towards improving and expanding our community on campus.

Post graduation, as I pack up the last of my belongings there is so much I want to

share with you all- from the restaurants in Berkeley I wish I had known about

earlier, to how to never pay for a blue book again, to my job hunting realizations.

I came to Berkeley feeling as if I “knew it all,” ready to start the “best years of my

life” at the number one public university in the world, but I leave Berkeley

knowing I don’t know it all and that four years can pass in the blink of an eye. I

want to leave you all with a few last words of reflection.

First, you are not alone. Hundreds, if not thousands, of other people on this

campus feel the way you feel. This isn’t meant to make your feelings feel less

important or insignificant, but as reassurance that you will overcome, and you will

persevere, and that if you speak up about how you are feeling, chances are,

others will be able to relate.

Second, make sure to always ask for what you want. People cannot read your

mind. Whether it’s in class, at a job, or in a relationship by verbally expressing

your needs you are more likely to get what you want.

Third, never underestimate your value. In the hyper-competitive Berkeley

environment it is easy to feel small. If you continually put yourself out for

opportunities (jobs, clubs, scholarships, performances, etc.) odds are, you may

face some rejection. Remember that success is not measured by having things

go the way you planned, but by how you react in the face of adversity. What

matters is that you keep reaching for those opportunities, and love yourself

unconditionally throughout the process.

Fourth, help others, especially other women, every way you can. Women often

see themselves as in competition with one another, because of the current

disparity of women in leadership positions. In reality, we all benefit from progress

made by other women. A win for one of us, is a win for all of us, so offer a hand

whenever you can.

As I finished my last final as an undergraduate, for the Cultural History of

Advertising, a consistent theme throughout all the time periods we explored was

the representation of women. Though progress has been made women continue

to be objectified and put in to societally pre-determined boxes. It’s up to us to

continue to change this dialogue and speak out against representations that do

not promote positive images or messages. Don’t settle for a world that body

shames, sexualizes, and objectifies women. In light of these issues we face, it

makes communities like BWIB that much more valuable.

I look forward to seeing BWIB grow and expand its presence on campus, having

a positive impact on the experience of more women at Cal and beyond. I also

hope to follow many of you as you individually grow throughout your lives and

careers. Please never hesitate to reach out to me, I will always hold BWIB and all

its members very near to my heart.

Kendal Madden

President 2015-2016

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